Intel Developer Cloud Quick Start Guide

This document provides instructions on setting up the Intel® Gaudi® 2 AI accelerator instance on the Intel Developer Cloud and running models from the Intel Gaudi Model References repository and the Hugging Face Optimum for Intel Gaudi library.

Please follow along with the video on our Developer Page to walk through the steps below. To set up a multi-server instance with two or more Gaudi nodes, refer to Setting up a Multi-Server Environment.

Creating an Account and Getting an Instance

Follow the below steps to get access to the Intel Developer Cloud and launch a Gaudi 2 card instance.

  1. Go to and select Getting Started to create an account and get SSH access.

  2. Go to “Console Home” and select “Hardware Catalog”:

  1. Select the “Gaudi 2 Deep Learning Server”:

  1. In the instance Configuration window, enter an instance name and select the SSH key that you created in the Getting Started section. Click “Launch”. You will see that the node is being provisioned:

  1. Once the State has changed from “provisioning” to “ready”, click on the instance name. Then select the “How to Connect” box:

  1. You will then see all the options to SSH into the Developer Cloud instance. Copy the SSH command and paste it into your terminal window:



If you do not have access to the Gaudi 2 instance, you will need to request access to be added to the wait list.

Start Training a PyTorch Model on Gaudi 2


For partners not using the Intel Developer Cloud, follow the instructions starting from this section to run models using Gaudi.

Now that the instance has been created, start with some simple model examples from the Intel Gaudi Model References GitHub repository.

  1. Run the hl-smi tool to confirm the Intel Gaudi software version used on your Developer Cloud instance. You will need to use the correct software version in the docker run and git clone commands. Use the HL-SMI Version at the top. In this case, the version is 1.17.1:

       HL-SMI Version:       hl-1.17.1-XXXXXXX
       Driver Version:       1.17.1-XXXXXX
  2. Run the Intel Gaudi Docker image:

       docker run -it --runtime=habana -e HABANA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e OMPI_MCA_btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism=none --cap-add=sys_nice --net=host --ipc=host
  3. Clone the Model References repository inside the container that you have just started:

       cd ~
       git clone -b 1.17.1
  4. Move to the subdirectory containing the hello_world example:

    cd Model-References/PyTorch/examples/computer_vision/hello_world/
  5. Update the environment variables to point to where the Model References repository is located and set PYTHON to Python executable:

    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/root/Model-References
    export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.10


    The Python version depends on the operating system. Refer to the Support Matrix for a full list of supported operating systems and Python versions.

Training on a Single Gaudi Card

Run training on a single HPU in BF16 with autocast enabled. This is a simple linear regression model. Copy this run command into your terminal window:

$PYTHON --batch-size=64 --epochs=1 --lr=1.0 --gamma=0.7 --hpu --autocast

The following shows the expected output:

============================= HABANA PT BRIDGE CONFIGURATION ===========================
PT_HPU_MAX_COMPOUND_OP_SIZE = 9223372036854775807
---------------------------: System Configuration :---------------------------
Num CPU Cores : 160
CPU RAM       : 1056446944 KB
Train Epoch: 1 [0/60000.0 (0%)] Loss: 2.296875
Train Epoch: 1 [640/60000.0 (1%)]       Loss: 1.546875
Train Epoch: 1 [58880/60000.0 (98%)]    Loss: 0.020264
Train Epoch: 1 [59520/60000.0 (99%)]    Loss: 0.001488

Total test set: 10000, number of workers: 1
* Average Acc 98.620 Average loss 0.043

Distributed Training on 8 Gaudis

Run training on the same model using all eight HPUs. Copy this run command into your terminal window:

mpirun -n 8 --bind-to core --map-by slot:PE=6 \
      --rank-by core --report-bindings \
      --allow-run-as-root \
      $PYTHON \
      --batch-size=64 --epochs=1 \
      --lr=1.0 --gamma=0.7 \
      --hpu --autocast

The following shows part of the expected output:

| distributed init (rank 0): env://
| distributed init (rank 3): env://
| distributed init (rank 5): env://
| distributed init (rank 6): env://
| distributed init (rank 4): env://
| distributed init (rank 7): env://
| distributed init (rank 1): env://
| distributed init (rank 2): env://
============================= HABANA PT BRIDGE CONFIGURATION ===========================
PT_HPU_MAX_COMPOUND_OP_SIZE = 9223372036854775807
---------------------------: System Configuration :---------------------------
Num CPU Cores : 160
CPU RAM       : 1056446944 KB
Train Epoch: 1 [0/7500.0 (0%)]  Loss: 2.296875
Train Epoch: 1 [640/7500.0 (9%)]        Loss: 1.578125
Train Epoch: 1 [1280/7500.0 (17%)]      Loss: 0.494141
Train Epoch: 1 [5760/7500.0 (77%)]      Loss: 0.100098
Train Epoch: 1 [6400/7500.0 (85%)]      Loss: 0.088379
Train Epoch: 1 [7040/7500.0 (94%)]      Loss: 0.067871

Total test set: 10000, number of workers: 8
* Average Acc 97.790 Average loss 0.066

Fine-tuning with Hugging Face Optimum for Intel Gaudi Library

The Optimum for Intel Gaudi library is the interface between the Hugging Face Transformers and Diffusers libraries and the Gaudi 2 card. It provides a set of tools enabling easy model loading, training and inference on single and multi-card settings for different downstream tasks. The following example uses the text-classification task to fine-tune a BERT-Large model with the MRPC (Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus) dataset and also run inference.

Follow the below steps to install the stable release from the Optimum for Intel Gaudi examples and library:

  1. Clone the Optimum for Intel Gaudi project to access the examples that are optimized for Gaudi:

    cd ~
    git clone
    cd optimum-habana
    git checkout 1.13.2
  2. Install the Optimum for Intel Gaudi library. This will install the latest stable release:

    pip install optimum-habana==1.13.2
  3. In order to use the DeepSpeed library on Gaudi 2, install the Intel Gaudi DeepSpeed fork:

       pip install git+[email protected]

The following example is based on the Optimum for Intel Gaudi Text Classification task example. Change to the text-classification directory and install the additional SW requirements for this specific example:

cd ~
cd optimum-habana/examples/text-classification/
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now your system is ready to execute fine-tuning on a BERT-Large model.

Execute Single-Card Training

In the ~/optimum-habana/examples/text-classification/ folder, copy and paste the following commands to your terminal window to fine-tune the BERT-Large model on one Gaudi card:

python \
--model_name_or_path bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking \
--gaudi_config_name Habana/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking  \
--task_name mrpc   \
--do_train   \
--do_eval   \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 \
--learning_rate 3e-5  \
--num_train_epochs 3   \
--max_seq_length 128   \
--output_dir ./output/mrpc/  \
--use_habana  \
--use_lazy_mode   \
--bf16   \
--use_hpu_graphs_for_inference \
--throughput_warmup_steps 3

The results will show both training and evaluation:

 {'train_runtime': 54.8875, 'train_samples_per_second': 266.059, 'train_steps_per_second': 8.342, 'train_loss': 0.3403122169384058, 'epoch': 3.0, 'memory_allocated (GB)': 7.47, 'max_memory_allocated (GB)': 9.97, 'total_memory_available (GB)': 94.61}
 100%|██████████████ 345/345 [00:54<00:00,  6.29it/s]

***** train metrics *****
epoch                       =        3.0
max_memory_allocated (GB)   =       9.97
memory_allocated (GB)       =       7.47
total_memory_available (GB) =      94.61
train_loss                  =     0.3403
train_runtime               = 0:00:54.88
train_samples               =       3668
train_samples_per_second    =    266.059
train_steps_per_second      =      8.342

 ***** eval metrics *****
epoch                       =        3.0
eval_accuracy               =     0.8775
eval_combined_score         =     0.8959
eval_f1                     =     0.9144
eval_loss                   =     0.4336
eval_runtime                = 0:00:01.73
eval_samples                =        408
eval_samples_per_second     =    234.571
eval_steps_per_second       =     29.321
max_memory_allocated (GB)   =       9.97
memory_allocated (GB)       =       7.47
total_memory_available (GB) =      94.61

Execute Multi-Card Training

In this example, you will be doing the same fine-tuning task on eight Gaudi 2 cards. Copy and paste the following into the terminal window:

python ../  --world_size 8 --use_mpi  \
--model_name_or_path bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking  \
--gaudi_config_name Habana/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking  \
--task_name mrpc  \
--do_train  \
--do_eval  \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32  \
--per_device_eval_batch_size 8  \
--learning_rate 3e-5  \
--num_train_epochs 3   \
--max_seq_length 128  \
--output_dir /tmp/mrpc_output/  \
--use_habana   \
--use_lazy_mode   \
--bf16    \
--use_hpu_graphs_for_inference  \
--throughput_warmup_steps 3

You will see the training samples per second results are significantly faster when using all eight Gaudi 2 cards:

{'train_runtime': 41.8426, 'train_samples_per_second': 1663.393, 'train_steps_per_second': 6.825, 'train_loss': 0.5247347513834636, 'epoch': 3.0, 'memory_allocated (GB)': 8.6, 'max_memory_allocated (GB)': 34.84, 'total_memory_available (GB)': 94.61}
100%|██████████| 45/45 [00:41<00:00,  1.07it/s]
***** train metrics *****
epoch                       =        3.0
max_memory_allocated (GB)   =      34.84
memory_allocated (GB)       =        8.6
total_memory_available (GB) =      94.61
train_loss                  =     0.5247
train_runtime               = 0:00:41.84
train_samples               =       3668
train_samples_per_second    =   1663.393
train_steps_per_second      =      6.825

***** eval metrics *****
epoch                       =        3.0
eval_accuracy               =     0.7623
eval_combined_score         =     0.7999
eval_f1                     =     0.8375
eval_loss                   =     0.4668
eval_runtime                = 0:00:02.06
eval_samples                =        408
eval_samples_per_second     =    198.062
eval_steps_per_second       =      3.398
max_memory_allocated (GB)   =      34.84
memory_allocated (GB)       =        8.6
total_memory_available (GB) =      94.61

Training with DeepSpeed

With the DeepSpeed package already installed, run multi-card training with DeepSpeed. Create and point to a ds_config.json file to set up the parameters of the DeepSpeed run. See the Hugging Face GitHub page and copy the configuration file example. Once the ds_config.json file is created, copy and paste these instructions into your terminal:

python ../ \
--world_size 8 --use_deepspeed \
--model_name_or_path bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking \
--gaudi_config_name Habana/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking \
--task_name mrpc \
--do_train \
--do_eval \
--per_device_train_batch_size 32 \
--per_device_eval_batch_size 8 \
--learning_rate 3e-5 \
--num_train_epochs 3 \
--max_seq_length 128 \
--output_dir /tmp/mrpc_output/ \
--use_habana \
--use_lazy_mode \
--use_hpu_graphs_for_inference \
--throughput_warmup_steps 3 \
--deepspeed ds_config.json

To learn more about DeepSpeed, refer to the DeepSpeed User Guide for Training.

Inference Example Run

Using inference will run the same evaluation metrics (accuracy, F1 score) as shown above. This will display how well the model has performed:

python --model_name_or_path bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking \
--gaudi_config_name Habana/bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking \
--task_name mrpc \
--do_eval \
--max_seq_length 128 \
--output_dir ./output/mrpc/ \
--use_habana \
--use_lazy_mode \

You have now run training and inference on Gaudi 2 using the Intel Developer Cloud.

Next Steps

For next steps you can refer to the following:

  • To explore more models from the Model References, start here.

  • To run more examples using Hugging Face go here.

  • To migrate other models to Gaudi 2, refer to PyTorch Model Porting.

Setting up a Multi-Server Environment

Follow these steps to manually set up a multi-server environment. This example shows how to set up two Gaudi nodes on the Intel Developer Cloud.

Initial Setup

These generic instructions should be set for any platform:

  1. Make sure CPUs on the node are set to performant mode:

    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
    echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
  2. Set the Hugepages on all hosts to enable models:

    sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=150000
    cat /proc/meminfo | grep HugePages_Total | awk '{ print $2 }'
  3. Make sure all external ports are set to ON for each host:

    /opt/habanalabs/qual/gaudi2/bin/  --status
    /opt/habanalabs/qual/gaudi2/bin/  --up
  4. (Optional) Generate an /etc/gaudinet.json file for L3 base scaling. This is not required for L2 based scaling. For this two-node example, this file is not needed.

Get the Host IP Address

You will need the IP Addresses of all the nodes in the cluster. From the “My Instances” window, you can see each Host IP address for each node. In the example below, the IP Address is You will need to collect the IP Addresses of all your configured nodes:


Start the Intel Gaudi Docker and Share SSH Keys

  1. Start the Intel Gaudi Docker on each of the host machines:

       docker run -it --name pytorch_gaudi2 --runtime=habana --privileged -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup -e HABANA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e OMPI_MCA_btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism=none --cap-add=sys_nice --net=host
  2. Share the local .ssh key pair across the nodes to allow connectivity between the nodes. Run the below to copy your SSH keys to each node:

    docker exec -it pytorch_gaudi2 mkdir -p /root/.ssh
    docker cp id_rsa  pytorch_gaudi2:/root/.ssh/
    docker cp  pytorch_gaudi2:/root/.ssh/
    docker cp authorized_keys pytorch_gaudi2:/root/.ssh/
  3. Set the proper permissions in each Docker. Make sure to replace the {IP_ADDRESS_NODE0} and {IP_ADDRESS_NODE1} in the commands below with the actual IP addresses of your nodes:

    chmod 700 /root/.ssh
    chmod 644 /root/.ssh/
    chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
    chmod 644 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    sed -i 's/#Port 22/Port 3022/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    sed -i 's/#   Port 22/    Port 3022/g' /etc/ssh/ssh_config
    sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    service ssh restart
    ssh-keyscan -p 3022 -H {IP_ADDRESS_NODE0}>> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
    ssh-keyscan -p 3022 -H {IP_ADDRESS_NODE1}>> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Test Using hccl_demo

Running hccl_demo tests basic node to node communications. The first run tests each node individually, and the second uses both nodes together.

  1. Set up the test:

    cd /root
    git clone
    cd hccl_demo/
    make clean
  2. Run the first test - a single run using the below command on both nodes individually:

    HCCL_COMM_ID= python3 --nranks 8 --node_id 0 --size 256m --test all_reduce --loop 1000 --ranks_per_node 8
  3. Run the second test - run two node hccl_demo. Make sure to replace the {IP_ADDRESS_NODE0} and {IP_ADDRESS_NODE1} in the commands below with the actual IP addresses of your nodes:

    python3 --test all_reduce --loop 1000 --size 32m -mpi --host {IP_ADDRESS_NODE0}:8,{IP_ADDRESS_NODE1}:8 --mca btl_tcp_if_include ens7f1

Test Using DeepSpeed

The next test uses the LLaMA 13B model from Megatron-DeepSpeed GitHub repository.

  1. Prepare a shared directory accessible to all the nodes and clone the Model-References repository to the shared directory from one node:

       cd /shared_dir
       git clone
  2. Set up the environment variables and install necessary modules on all the nodes:

       cd /shared_dir/Megatron-DeepSpeed
       export MEGATRON_DEEPSPEED_ROOT=/path/to/Megatron-DeepSpeed
       pip install -r megatron/core/requirements.txt
       pip install git+[email protected]
       apt update
       apt install pdsh -y
  3. Update the two IP addresses with the ones from your nodes in the scripts/hostsfile: slots=8 slots=8
  4. Follow the Dataset Preparation instructions to acquire the full (500GB+) oscar-en dataset. Or, apply the following steps from one node to create a small (0.5GB) and customized RedPajama dataset to check the connectivity between nodes:

    mkdir -p /shared_dir/redpajama
    cd /shared_dir/redpajama
    # download the redpajama dataset list file and merely pick the first jsonl, which is arxiv
    wget ''
    head -n 1 urls.txt > first_jsonl.txt
    while read line; do
      mkdir -p $(dirname $dload_loc)
      wget "$line" -O "$dload_loc"
    done < first_jsonl.txt
    # download the tokenizer file correspondent to the target model, e.g. LLama13b
    wget -O tokenizer.model ""
    # install necessary modules for data preparation
    pip install nltk sentencepiece
    mkdir -p arxiv_tokenized
    python $MEGATRON_DEEPSPEED_ROOT/tools/ --input arxiv/*.jsonl \
          --output-prefix arxiv_tokenized/meg-gpt2 --tokenizer-model ./tokenizer.model \
          --append-eod --tokenizer-type GPTSentencePieceTokenizer --workers 64
    # use the tokenized files from above step to train
  5. Choose the oscar-en dataset or the customized RedPajama to run a multi-server test. For example, run the below command from one of the two nodes:

    mkdir -p out_llama
    # DATA_DIR_ROOT=/data/pytorch/megatron-gpt/oscar-en
    HL_DATA_FILE_PREFIX=meg-gpt2_text_document HL_RESULTS_DIR=out_llama \
          HL_DATA_DIR_ROOT=${DATA_DIR_ROOT}/arxiv_tokenized HL_HOSTSFILE=scripts/hostsfile \
          HL_TOKENIZER_MODEL=${DATA_DIR_ROOT}/tokenizer.model HL_NUM_NODES=2 HL_PP=2 HL_TP=2 HL_DP=4 scripts/