hl_qual Common Plugin Switches and Parameters

hl_qual is a command line based tool where each test variant is run from a command line terminal. Passing parameters to the hl_qual and the other test plugins is done through command line switches and parameters.

The hl_qual and test plugin switches and parameters are partitioned into two groups:

  • Common switches and parameters - These parameters are identical for all test plugins.

  • Test plugins specific switches and parameters - These are unique parameters for each test plugin.


For the full Gaudi installation procedure, refer to the Installation Guide. After installing hl_qual, set export  __python_cmd=python3 environment variable.

The following table lists the common switches and parameters that are applicable to all test plugins. All the applicable switches are shown in the example below; optional switches or parameters are placed within square brackets:

./hl_qual -gaudi | -gaudi2 | -gaudi3 -c <all or PCI bus id list> -rmod <serial | parallel>  [-dis_mon] [-mon_cfg <monitor INI path>]
      [<plugin INI config path>] [-enable_serr] [-dmesg] [-disable_pipe_red] [-skip_aer_detection]

Getting Help

The following command prints out a usage help message on screen:

./hl_qual -gaudi|-gaudi2|-gaudi3 -h

The message includes specific hl_qual switches as well as the switches of all available and loaded plugins.


Figure 8 hl_qual and Plugin Usage Printout